
4 days ago3 min read
My Dead Mom Tricked Me Into Answering My Phone
The only explanation I can think of is that my Mom, who died in 2011, figured out how to call me via my daughter's phone number.

Jan 192 min read
Is It Normal for My Cat to Create a Bidet for Himself?
Hubby walked into the laundry room to find Rufus's wrinkly butt hovering over the dog's water bowl -- PEEING in it. This cannot be normal.

Dec 17, 20241 min read
One Psychic Conversation and Now Rufus Can't Fit In His Bed Anymore
A psychic gave Ru a bigger aura to make him feel like a panther and now he can't fit in his cat bed because he's HUGE

Dec 4, 20241 min read
Is That a Raw Turkey Sitting On Your Shoulder?
Rufus spent the Thanksgiving holiday perched atop various family and friends. I know that's a cat thing, but Rufus says there's more to it.

Nov 14, 20241 min read
It's a Good Thing These F*ckers are Cute
Two little Vikings, Dumb-halla and SpazRu the Naked, came marauding in the morning, pillaging and plundering, laying waste to my slumber.

Nov 9, 20244 min read
Thousands of Us Still Connected by Glass and Hope
We were all in awe of Masha that summer of 1983 as we watched her build her masterpiece.

Oct 23, 20241 min read
Sorry I Peed On You. Love, Rufus
My kind and patient friend Julia recklessly offered to stay with Emmie and Rufus. Rufus made her regret that offer. Should he be forgiven?

Oct 9, 20243 min read
The Rufus Origin Story
The origin story of Rufus the naked weirdo cat. Like many fateful and brilliant ideas, it all began at Avery Brewing...

Oct 7, 20243 min read
Re-Retirement and the Best Peanut Butter Ever
I already retired once. With a big party and a crown and a sash that said "The Queen Has Retired." But it didn't stick. Gotta re-retire now.

Oct 1, 20244 min read
Rufus Roswell Rubey: Naked Weirdo Alien Cat
"No. We ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY will NOT get a cat." ~My Hubby.
Kitty's name is Rufus Roswell Rubey and he is a naked little sphynx prince.

Aug 1, 20235 min read
Dick Candles and Fridge Chickens May Cause Dementia
So, I was minding my own business, trying to hide a dick candle in the secret gift cupboard above the refrigerator, when suddenly ...

Jun 16, 20232 min read
Semi-Annual Moonshine - JUNE's Fun Internet Memes for YOU
"Researching” Insta and TikTok for the funniest, wisest, most helpful stuff to share with you caused a 6-mo spinout but lookie what I found!

Jun 14, 20237 min read
PLAPPing: The Least In-Demand Master Class Ever
Can you name a subject on which you could teach a peerless Master Class? Mine is PLAPping. Procrastinating Like a Phucking Pro.

May 3, 20231 min read
New Artwork: Skeleton Jacket, HoneyBee Bag, Boney Tote
Funny videos of hand-painted bags and accompanying soundtracks