Jun 28, 20173 min read
Adele and Ed Sheeran Are Sorcerers
Our buddy Babar (not surprisingly, this is not his real name), came to stay with Adam and me for a few days last week and his visit, combine
May 24, 20172 min read
How It Went Down
I said I'd keep you posted on how my daughter's whole graduation thing went down so let's start at the end: SHE MADE IT! Our brilliant,...
May 13, 20171 min read
This is what happens when your daughter works in an "intimacy boutique"
Adam trying to go voluntarily comatose while our daughter and her bestie discuss their favorite condom brands: 😂 Not that I wasn't...
May 11, 20173 min read
Why You Should Talk to Someone Whose Voice You Haven't Heard in 42 Years
Cathleen and I met in a dreadful fashion on the first day of first grade at Pleasant Hill Elementary school in Austin, Texas.  Our teacher,
May 10, 20174 min read
That is NOT How This Sh*t is Going Down
How refinancing a mortgage is equivalent to anal rape; why I need to burn my daughter's school to the ground; heartburn is not a sign to
Apr 14, 20171 min read
Reason #732 Why Aging Sucks
Add this to the list of things that suck about getting old: Barnacles of life. I swear to God, this is a real thing - look it up. Here,...
Mar 12, 20171 min read
All The Mom-Feels of a College Campus Tour
All the emotions during my daughter's future college campus as told with GIFs.
Mar 7, 20175 min read
How I Met a Nearly-Naked Kevin Costner in His Living Room
Did I ever tell you about the time I met a nearly-naked Kevin Costner in his living room? Here's how it happened. Let's hop in the...
Feb 17, 20179 min read
A Gentle Love Letter to Menopause - With Swearing
Dear Menopause, Look, you fucking cunt-faced bag of rabid dicks, I’m calling you out. Show up and fight me like a woman. You’ve been...
Feb 5, 20174 min read
Claritin D Hallucinations
Claritin D is a psychoactive hallucinagen for me. It's the D part that does it and I'm starting to suspect that it always has. Which...